
"We may not be the heroes that you wanted but we are heros you need."


Who We are

We who stand united against all that would doom the world to the abyss.

Our Hunt

The Unseen War, wages on and within it The Seven tip the scales of balance. We will end The Seven.

Reaper Training

Sometimes you need someone willing to become a monster to hunt the monsters.

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For all your paranormal investigation and resolution needs. Aetherical Study, education, and practical application training.

OOC Stuff

Ooc about our FC, IC group, how to join, our lore stance and more!


The Seven Hells are spoken of in jest and curse but their existence have been made into nothing more than myth and legend. Any scholar knows that even in myth and legend there is a semblance of truth. In this case, it is a truth so horrifying that those who seek it never return. It is such things that The Nevermorn seek out.The Legend:

The Seven above are to The Seven below,Only here can Shadows go.Through suffering and trial to measure desire,The challenge winds down the spire.Echoes of times hold no sway,The promise of death gone away.A top the mountain of obsidian made,Lies in wait the Aasura Blade.Be it blood or be it soul,Upon the Crown pay the toll.Prove your worth to be true,From the depths be made anew.The world wrought to One’s will,Seek thee out the Temple of Sil.

The Truth:The legend was found etched in a tablet, connected to the City of Mhach. Scholars have studied it and pieced together what they believed to be the truth of it. It is said that those who find the gates to the First Hell and can successfully transverse to the Seventh will find a weapon of such power that will not only grant the wielder power of the darkness but give them immortality. That this Aasura Blade is a gift from a Void Lord or worse, to the one who is worthy of it. If only it were so simple and so far out of reach.The Nevermorn takes legends seriously. We understand that the language is ancient and told from the perspective of those of that time and moment. Someone didn’t take the time to simply write it down because it was a story. They etched it in stone so it would be eternal because it was true.

The working theory at the moment is that The Seven is not in reference to the Seven Hells, but instead to Seven Void Magi. Magi of Mhach. Each with possession of a single piece of this legendary weapon. However, The Seven serve the Eighth, believed to be Voidsent of great power. Their service was granted in return for their lifeIt is believed that during the war of the magi, not all of Mhach escaped to the Arc. Desperate people in a desperate moment turned to the voidsent they sought to enslave and made a deal. A realm of reality was torn and from it, a pocket realm between The Void and Reality was created. Here The Seven could live, learn, work and hold a small measure of influence on reality. Yet in order for this pocket realm to exist, great power had to remain tethered to it and reality. Thus they enslaved the souls of the fallen, those of Nym, Amdapor, and other forgotten civilizations, to act as siphons upon the world. Then the Calamity happened.

Wards and tethers broke, the existence of their protected haven was no longer safe. They required more power and so they cast some of those souls out into the fallen of this new tragedy. Formed what we, The Nevermorn, call shades. These shades are manifestations of the magi themselves and siphon aether from points scattered around the world. We had thought it was merely for their survival, we had hoped that was the case. We fear we were wrong.It is our understanding that they have bided their time, not because they were weak, but because what they desired could not be done so easily. These mortals, servants of the void, are in fact masters of elements and various schools of magic. So much so that when a Magi of great power is born, these Shades will follow it from birth to age, and tempt it to challenge one of their own and take its place. That these Seven are in fact readying to bring their Master to reality. To aid in transforming our world to The Kingdom of The Void itself.This is our hunt. The ultimate purpose of The Nevermorn. We will end The Seven.

Who We Are

IC Story | What We Are | The FC

"There comes a moment when the truth of all things can no longer be ignored.When the whispers of fate echo loudly against all that is known. A moment when the light is no longer enough to hold the balance in its sway. When the Darkness is all-consuming and only those of the dark can see within its abyss. That moment is now..The never-ending cycles of our world have caused one calamity after another. Wars of Men taint the balance and flood the world with Light. Yet hiding in the shadows, biding its time is a predator that eats away at every heart and soul. Such Darkness that whispers sweet nothings begins to take hold and even in the rising dawn, there is no refuge. Yet there remains hope.With the darkness of twilight, there stands those of balance. Those who understand harmony within duality. Those whom some call monsters, villains, and even evil. Cast forever from the light, they stand united against all that would doom the world to the abyss. They may not be the heroes that you wanted but they are heroes you need.We are The Nevermorn.May the Darkness Embrace and The Light Guide"


IC Story | What We Are | The FC

Summers have come and gone, and with them, the never-ending cycle has continued. From the first Calamity to the last, a balance has never been found. Too much darkness breeds too much light. Back and forth as one war clashes against another, aether climbing and falling, over and over again. Yet we, the few, have always looked beyond what lies before us. We delve deeper, seeking the truth that lies just beyond the veil. That beyond the war of men is The Unseen War.

The war between The Light and the Void is a war that wages within every heart, body, and mind. A war that too many strive to be one side or the other, ignoring one side or the other, striving for a balance that is a lie. True balance is not that of equal measure in harmony but rather balance in duality. Learning to embrace the darkness within. Allowing that darkness to be guided by light and in doing so, bring the cycles to an end.It is the belief that we can be more than we are. A belief that for there to be innocence, there must be those who bare the burden of what needs to be done. It is a belief that we, The Nevermorn not only embrace but strive to uphold.

The ending of cycles is a grand purpose and something all should strive for but none know how to do it or even begin. We, The Nevermorn rectify the balance by hunting down those who would tip it one way or the other. The Nevermorn has waged war on all enemies that would dare to become your master or mine while learning all we can to serve such a purpose. The Void, those who serve it or those who are lost to it, are our prey. We are the hunters of that which others cannot fathom or are too afraid to dare. We do what needs to be done by any means required.

The whispers of The Nevermorn have been around for years. Rumors mostly. Though lately, the one known as Lady Dusk has become much more vocal about it. A need for those who wish to become more than they are. To learn how to hunt and destroy that which The Nevermorn calls the enemy. To become that which stands resolute in the duality of balance.

There can be no light without dark. No joy is known without pain. No courage born unless first fear exists. Purpose cannot be fulfilled without struggle and learning. If there is a burning within you that agrees with all of this, and you desire to become more than you are. To encourage others to learn the duality of balance to such a purpose. If you feel that you can learn, lead, teach and fight, then find the mark of Nevermorn or seek Lady Dusk.

Darkness Embrace and Light Guide

What We Are

IC Story | What We Are | The FC

We are monster/villain hunters that have expertise in elite voidal and paranormal marks. We are hunters, marksmen, engineers, detectives, problem starters, and solvers.Those who are willing to do what must be done so that the greater purpose is served. The Villians who hunt the villains. That being said, not all the characters that are in Nevermorn are dark and brooding.Every group needs its silver lining, and it wouldn’t be a free company that preached duality if there weren’t some lighter characters.Though do be warned. The mistress of the Estate, Lady Dusk, does not suffer fools well and can not take a joke to save her life.


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Paranormal Investigations:
Our experts handle everything from cursed items, possessions, and anything else unknown. We will gather information, witness accounts, aetherical signatures, test samples, visit locations and provide ongoing consultation until the situation is resolved and or handled. Additional costs may be incurred if specialty items or manpower is required.
Relic identification and cataloging:
Our experts will find the origin of your item, any and all aetherical attunements, and or curses. Side effects and the means to counter them. Should you wish to sell your item, a price can be negotiated.
Aetherical Cleansing:
Nevermorn’s state-of-the-art facilities offer cleansing of aether from all impurities and or curses. This includes the removal of voidal taint via aetheical transfer or blood.
Hunting Services:
Whether it be monster, voidal, beast or person, our hunters will locate, hunt down and deal with any and all of your hunting needs. Expectations of completion of hunt are to be agreed upon prior to hire.

- We do not assist in the retrieval of bodies for the purpose of necromancy.
- We reserve the right to cancel any contract for any reason at any time.
- Nevermorn and those associated (AON) with it are not responsible for loss of limb, aether, or life should steps be taken outside of services being rendered by other individuals.
- All services are guaranteed to the strictest level of confidence. If at any time your information is required to be shared with third parties to complete your order, we will notify you first.
- All services must be paid upon completion of services. Some services may incur additional charges based on difficulty and resources required.

Services | Shop | Tomes for Sale


Free with purchase or $ 30,293 gil

Nevermind goodie bag:
- One vial of holy water from Ishgard
- One vial of light-infused Juniper nectar
- One anti hex scroll from The Shroud Hedge witches.
- Various aether crystals for your everyday use.
- Anti-void charm for protection against voidal touch
- 10% off voucher for hunting services

$ 84,995 gil

Bottled Emotion:
Something to take all forms of emotion away in a time of need so that what needs to be done can be done. One need only drink the bottle to get them back. (100 added to all rolls while affected. Please ask your dm before using)

$ 1,501,995 gil

Enchanted forget-me-not:
Item that allows for the storage of one memory in vivid detail. Non-transferable, can be remembered with the incantation. Caution, if the item is lost, others may be able to view saved memory.

$895,545 gil

Fate's Needle:
enchanted needle when used will allow someone to relive or retrieve a memory that has been hidden or lost from them. Use with caution. Some memories are better left forgotten.

$2,795,555 gil

enchanted hourglass that holds one minute of sand. This item, if shattered, allows the user to move back in time one minute. One use. (Reroll a bad roll during DM events. Please ask your DM before using)

$ 84,995 gil

A mirror of reflection:
will reflect a spell or cast of ill intention towards the caster, breaking in the process. One use.

$ 30,995 gil

A prepared clay jar:
for capturing spirits and or processing voidal spirits. Do not use unless you understand exorcism. If used incorrectly, we are not responsible for your death.

$ 5,857,995 gil

Chains of binding:
chains from a defeated Parthenope. Guaranteed to bind any voidal or voidal processed person until help can arrive. Can only be removed with light-infused key. Key sold separately.

$ 95,190 gil

Empty Soulstones:
Have all that knowledge you wish to keep or pass down? Infuse it in a soulstone.

$ 25 895 gil

Quick Tongue Ink:
Ink infused with the writer’s intentions so that it translates to any language needed when read. Does not work with copied material from other writers.